Monday, April 16, 2012

Frog and Toad

I have been teaching Frog and Toad All Year for the past week and wanted to share some activities with you.  Some of them are Pinterest inspired and others are my own work.  We are still not finished with our frog unit but this is all of Frog and Toad for now.  Hopefully some of this will be useful to you.

I always start my morning off with morning meeting and I tried to incorporate some of the book into the activity.

This was a character chart that we made to up the children identify which character traits went with Frog or Toad.

The students got to draw their favorite part of the book and tell why it was their favorite.

They made a double bubble map of Frog and Toad and compared and contrasted the two characters(using both physical and character traits).

 We made Frog or Toad and then wrote about the character.  Some of them look like aliens because they have black eyes.  haha

This is the comprehension test that we are going to take tomorrow.  
This is where we moved onto learning the life cycles of frogs and toads and where they live.


  1. I love Frog and Toad!

    Welcome to blogging Dani!I hope you love it as much as I is also very addicitve! =)

    I am happy to be your newest follower! I would love for you to come visit me when you get the chance. =)


  2. Thanks Heather! I have so much that I have not posted. I hope to get my blog all updated this summer. I can tell this will be as addictive as Pinterest.

  3. Love the chart of Frog and Toad! It goes perfectly with our Storytown skill of the week! Where did you get the images of Frog and Toad to color for the chart?

    1. I think I just found it on a google search. If you can't find it, just let me know and I'll look and see if I have it in a file.

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