Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Johnny Appleseed

So, I am a little late getting this post out there.  Friday was Johnny Appleseed's birthday.  We talked about John Chapman all week long, reading many books and watching a clip of a movie.

From there, we concentrated on apples.  We have been learning about adjectives so on Wednesday we made this thinking map.

This is 1st grade EL, so I asked them
What does an apple look like, taste like, sound like, feel like, etc.  They did quite well and only had to be redirected a few times.  Around the apple, we wrote what can be made with apples.

Later in the week I gave them sentence starters and they were able to write about apples.

I like apples.
Apples are ________and___________.
I like to eat ______________________.

My 2nd and 3rd classes were learning about sequencing and had to put the pictures in order and write a sentence to explain it. Lower ELs who needed support were given the sentences and had to use transition words.